Monday, January 26, 2015

Starting New Chapters in #Life

Starting a new chapter with NuyBeauty

#tbt - 5 yrs ago I created I had a new baby, lost my job & my mom was diagnosed with stage iv cancer- so I reinvented my #life and started providing beauty service for moms online. 172 posts and videos later lots has changed! Thanks for all the support! I couldn't have done it without all your help and support. special thanks to the advice of @jey_cho ( Jeremy Cho) and @raylaswol ( Ray Cho) - and MOM - ( Eun-Ja Cho), @nywnorbsenrab ( Bronwyn Barnes ), @hoffwego ( Jason Hoffman @michanntan ( Michelle Tan)


Disclaimer: Nuy Cho has no affiliation to any of the beauty companies mentioned on