Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What are you Thankful For? My Thanksgiving LOL Confessional

What I Want and Why Life Is Good - my pre-pre-pre bucket list from my 20s - found yesterday while digging through old photos for work. To me, hilarious!
Truly, I'm thankful for what I have in my life. I love my daughter. I'm happy that I survived, or am surviving my divorce -- because my goodness, it's been a couple year process. Yes, meaning in short, just becoming amicable with the ex, getting a good schedule of co-parenting, took a LOT of work. But we're getting there YAY! And I have a new guy in my life, who's been awesome about the whole thing. I used to want Chanel bags, mink shrugs and shiny things from Harry Winston (well, maybe I still think about them from time to time ;-)), but that's ok!

But I now know the importance of having well-working families and relationships - even if they are non-traditional. I had to get over the non-traditional part through the divorce -- even me, whose been called the `soul sister rebel child' by my brother Ray, because I nonetheless was raised in a conservative household. But as long as you have a solid chain of loved ones, family and friends around you -- this is your family, your community, whether it's modern, traditional, alternative, whatever you want to call it. It's yours, so it doesn't matter. Yes, relationships are hard, but with TLC -- we work to make them better and make them last and work for us.

So happy thanksgiving!

Me and Daddy in Kyoto, 1981.
And if you happen to read in detail my funny little pre-bucket list up there (I've blacked out the too private to share bullet points).  I've crossed out as irrelevant or `N/A' over time, and the funniest one to me is "A man I can bring a man home w/out fear of disownment). Just a little explanation on that: I'm Korean-American with a fiercely traditional father who is Confucian; My ex-husband was Haitian-American/Black. Let's just say this did not go over well with my dad and his obsession with the maintenance of the Cho bloodline. He disowned me over four times - for wanting to be with my ex, and for later wanting to leave him. Basically, I couldn't win either way. But, great news. Daddy and are at peace now. Everything passes. Trust me ;-).

Beauty Tip in all of this? Feel loved. Be loved. Let yourself be loved, because you are loved. 
And that is where your beauty starts. Beauty = love.


Disclaimer: Nuy Cho has no affiliation to any of the beauty companies mentioned on www.nuybeauty.com.

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